Noupoort Wind Farm’s schools Programme |
Almost eight hundred secondary learners in Noupoort have been learning about the significance of renewable energy through a school programme initiated by Noupoort Wind Farm. The programme, entitled ‘Young Minds, Clean Energy, Brighter Futures’, aims to increase awareness about renewable energy, in particular wind energy; and to strengthen ties between the wind farm and the surrounding community. “It is important that learners understand what wind energy is about, how it benefits our country, the environment and specifically the local community,” said Martina Flanagan, Project Manager of Noupoort Wind Farm.
The content of the programme is targeted at Grade 8 to 12 learners from the local high schools, namely Noupoort Combined and Enoch Methetho High School and fits into their Natural Sciences and Life Skill studies. Learners are exposed to the basics of renewable energy, how a wind turbine generates electricity and the need for renewable energy projects within South Africa, amongst other content.
The objectives of the programme include; education and awareness around wind energy; encouraging an interest in renewable energy career fields; helping learners understand the construction process and how their specific community will benefit from having a wind farm on its doorstep, both during and after construction.