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turbines installed and connected to the grid


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mid 2016

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91 835

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Wind Turbine Facts

Noupoort Wind Farm donated a new Jungle Gym to Zingisani Crèche

Noupoort Wind Farm has donated playground equipment to Zingisani Crèche. The crèche, which cares for 200 local children, received the new jungle gym recently. “We are pleased to be able to help by creating a safe and stimulating environment for the children of this community; playground equipment is an especially important part of the children’s natural development – and is of course great fun,” said Martina Flanagan, Project Manager of Noupoort Wind Farm.

Zingisani Crèche was founded in 1986 and operates from a building in Kwazamxolo. The crèche has 9 staff who care for the 200 children. Whilst the crèche receives a small subsidy from the Department of Social Development for each child, it is strictly allocated and leaves little for equipment and building maintenance. “The new jungle gym allows children to have more constructive outdoor play, which was not an option previously,” added Flanagan.

Jungle Gyms are internationally recognised by occupational therapists as the best form of developmental play structure for young children. They help in the development of Gross Motor Skills, which is defined as movements of the large muscles in the body such as the arm and leg muscles.

April 2016